Sunday, March 13, 2011

Lancaster, Ohio

Yesterday Greg and I went to Lancaster, Ohio. We had a list of thrift stores that we wanted to go to. We were on a quest for a grounded electrical cord. The first place we went had shut down. Since it was downtown we decided to walk around. There are a lot of beautiful old buildings in downtown Lancaster and so much pretty wrought iron! My favorite building was this old church. The white paint was flaking off to show its age. It had beautiful windows and this wrought iron fence with one slightly damaged panel. I love things that are imperfect. It think this church has been converted into a house. I know I would love to live in such a beautiful house! The alley beside this church was brick with grass growing down the center, so cute! After walking around downtown we did go to all of the thrift stores but did not find the elusive grounded cord we were looking for. We gave up and went to Rising Park to climb up to the top of the big hill and look out over the cliffs. Rising Park is a beautiful place. The trail climbs up and up and when you reach to top there are sandstone rocks that you can sit on and look out over Lancaster. The town looks like a model train set from this view. The wind was strong up there! We went all of the way around the top and down a little trail on the opposite side. There weren't any people on the smaller trail, it was very steep. It was quiet except for the wind and the crows and the path ended at a very large tree. I sat near the tree while Greg walked around a little more. I love sitting near big old trees. I think they have something to tell me. Finally we walked back down the trail and headed home. We picked up some fruit and nuts for the ride. We went to a few more places before we got home and it turns out that the thrift store right by our house had several grounded cords. We were looking for adventure though and a trip to that store would not have been much of an adventure at all.


  1. We used to hike up a trail there at night and climb the face of the cliff in a very specific spot when we were younger to get up there without being detected. If you yelled from that same spot where you were standing at night it bounces back to you:)

  2. That sounds cool. We have never been there at night.
